English Online Dictionary. What means labs? What does labs mean?
- plural of lab
- BLAS, BASL, albs, BLAs, BALs, slab, B.L.A.S.
labs c
- indefinite genitive singular of lab
- plural of lab
From Proto-Baltic *labas, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *labas, traditionally derived from Proto-Indo-European *labʰ-os (“to seize, to grab”) (though Smoczynski is skeptical). The semantic development was apparently “seized, grabbed, taken” > “obtained, acquired (as property)” > “valuable, precious” > “good.”
Cognates include Lithuanian lãbas (“good; hello”), lobùs (“well-off, rich”), Old Prussian labs (“good”), Sanskrit लभते (lábhate, “to seize, to gain possession, to find, to have”), Ancient Greek λάφῡρον (láphūron, “booty, loot, plunder; gain, benefit”).
labs (definite labais, comparative labāks, superlative vislabākais, adverb labi)
- good ((of people) following accepted moral rules, treating others in a sensitive, kind, friendly way; (of their actions) typical of such people)
- labs jaunietis ― good young man
- laba sieviete ― good woman
- laba uzvedība ― good behavior
- laba audzināšana ― good education
- labais tonis ― good, right tone
- cilvēks, kam tīk rozes un kas priecājas par bērniem, ir labs cilvēks — a person who likes roses and enjoys children is a good person
- good ((of people) among whom there is harmony, understanding, friendly relations; (of their actions, relations) typical of such people)
- labas draudzenes ― good (female) friends
- labi darba biedri ― good colleagues
- laba ģimene ― good family
- laba saprašanās ― good understanding
- laba saticība ― good harmony
- (of animals) good, tame, peaceful
- šis suns ir labs, nekož nevienam ― this dog is good, he doesn't bite anyone
- (of people) good (who carry out their duties skillfully, conscientiously)
- labs arhitekts ― good architect
- laba studente ― good (female) student
- labi skolotāji ― good students, pupils
- good (appropriately fulfilling or corresponding to certain requirements or expectations; pleasant, causing pleasure)
- labs galds ― good table
- laba istaba ― good room
- laba maize ― good bread
- labs siltums ― good heat
- labs vēja stiprums ― good wind (lit. wind strength)
- labs medību suns ― good hunting dog
- labas dējējvistas ― good laying hens
- labi rudzi ― good rye
- labs pļaujas laiks ― good harvest time
- laba augstskola ― good college, university
- laba braukšana, skriešana, pastaiga ― good driving, running, walk(ing)
- labs amats ― good post, position
- laba nodarbošana ― good occupation
- labs referāts ― good report
- laba glezna, opera ― good painting, opera
- dot labu padomu ― to give good advice
- labs iespaids ― good impression
- labs krāsa tonis ― good color tone
- ceriņiem ir laba smarža ― lilac has a good odor
- ģērbt, ēst tikai labu ― to wear, to eat only good (things)
- (of the body, its parts and functions) good (performing its functions appropriately, developing normally, as expected)
- laba dzirde, asinsrite ― good hearing, blood circulation
- labs miegs' ― good sleep
- labas uztveres spējas ― good perception skills, discernment
- labs augums ― good height
- laba muskulatūra ― good muscles
- labi zobi ― good teeth
- laba gaita, stāja ― good pace, posture
- labas ausis ― good ears
- vanagam ir labas acis ― the hawk has good eyes
- good (relatively large, long, above average; (of time periods) complete, full)
- laba maizes rieciens ― good chunk of bread
- laba kartupeļu raža ― good potato harvest
- laba alga ― good salary
- labs ceļa gabals vēl ko iet ― a good piece of road still to go (= still a long way to go)
- ierasties pēc laba brīža ― to arrive after a good moment (= after considerable time)
- tēvs jau labā pusmūžā ― father is already in good middle age (= well into middle age)
- atnākt labā tumsā — to arrive in good darkness (= well after dark, after nightfall)
- tēvs pārbrauc mājās labā novakarē ― father came home in good evening (= well into the evening)
- (in the locative singular as a postposition, with genitive complement) for the good of, for the benefit of
- strādāt tautas labā ― to work for the good of the people
- (usually definite forms) right, right-hand side
- labā acs, roka, kāja ― right eye, hand/arm, foot/leg
- labais sāns ― right side
- suņa labā acs ― the dog's right eye
- lidmašīnas labais spārns ― the airplane's right wing
- autobusa priekšējais labais ritenis ― the bus' right rear wheel
- rakstāmgalda augšējā labā atvilktne ― the desk top right drawer
- skatuves labā mala ― the right edge, side of the stage
- zāles labā puse ― the right side of the hall, room
- upes labais krasts ― the river's right bank
- iet pa ielas labo pusi ― to go on the right side of the street
- gludināt audumu no labās puses ― to iron the fabric from the right side
- (antonym(s) of “of "good"”): slikts (“bad”), ļauns (“evil”)
- (antonym(s) of “of "right"”): kreiss (“left”)
Derived terms
- labdien, labrīt, labvakar
- labējs
- labums
- Russian: ла́бус (lábus)
labs m pl
- plural of lab