

synonyms, antonyms, definitions, examples & translations of fare in English

English Online Dictionary. What means fare‎? What does fare mean?



  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /fɛə/
  • (General American, without the Marymarrymerry merger) IPA(key): /fɛɚ/
  • (General American, Marymarrymerry merger) IPA(key): /fɛɹ/
  • (General Australian) IPA(key): /feː/
  • (New Zealand, without the cheerchair merger) IPA(key): /ˈfeə/
  • (New Zealand, cheerchair merger) IPA(key): /ˈfiə/
  • (Scotland) IPA(key): /ˈfeɹ/
  • (Lancashire, fairfur merger) IPA(key): /ˈfɜː(ɹ)/
  • Homophones: fair, fear (cheerchair merger), fir (fairfur merger), fur (fairfur merger)
  • Rhymes: -ɛə(ɹ)

Etymology 1

From Middle English fare, from the merger of Old English fær (journey, road) and faru (journey, companions, baggage), from Proto-Germanic *farą and *farō (journey, fare), from Proto-Indo-European *per- (a going, passage).


fare (countable and uncountable, plural fares)

  1. (obsolete) A going; journey; travel; voyage; course; passage.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:journey
  2. (countable) Money paid for a transport ticket.
  3. (countable) A paying passenger, especially in a taxi.
  4. (uncountable) Food and drink.
  5. (uncountable) Supplies for consumption or pleasure.
    The television channel tended to broadcast unremarkable downmarket fare.
  6. (countable, UK, crime, slang) A prostitute's client.
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:prostitute's client
Derived terms
  • Eric Partridge (2007) “fare”, in Tom Dalzell and Terry Victor, editors, The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, Abingdon, Oxon., New York, N.Y.: Routledge, →ISBN, page 244.

Etymology 2

From Middle English faren, from Old English faran (to travel, journey), from Proto-West Germanic *faran, from Proto-Germanic *faraną, from Proto-Indo-European *per- (a going, passage).

Cognate with West Frisian farre, Dutch varen (to sail), German fahren (to travel), Danish and Norwegian Bokmål fare, Norwegian Nynorsk and Icelandic fara (to go) and Swedish fara (to travel).


fare (third-person singular simple present fares, present participle faring, simple past fared, past participle fared or (archaic) faren)

  1. (intransitive, archaic) To go, travel.
  2. (intransitive) To get along, succeed (well or badly); to be in any state, or pass through any experience, good or bad; to be attended with any circumstances or train of events.
  3. (intransitive, archaic) To eat, dine.
  4. (intransitive, impersonal) To happen well, or ill.
  5. (intransitive) To move along; proceed; progress; advance
Derived terms


  • FERA, Fear, Fera, Rafe, fear, reaf


Alternative forms

  • farë


From farë (seed, semen, kind).


  • IPA(key): /ˈfaɾɛ/



  1. totally, wholly, completely
  2. kind
    Ç'farë? ~ Ç'fare?What kind? (~ What? How?)
  3. (with negatives) at all




  • IPA(key): /ˈfaːrə/, [ˈfɑːɑ]

Etymology 1

From Middle Low German vāre (danger, persecution, fear), from Old Saxon fāra, from Proto-Germanic *fērō (danger), cognate with English fear, German Gefahr.


fare c (singular definite faren, plural indefinite farer)

  1. danger, hazard
  2. risk

Etymology 2

From Old Norse fara, from Proto-Germanic *faraną, English fare, German fahren.


fare (past tense farede or for, past participle faret)

  1. to rush, run

Etymology 3

Derived from Old Danish *far (pig), from Old Norse *farr, from Proto-Germanic *farhaz, cognate with Swedish fargalt, English farrow, German Ferkel, Dutch varken. The Germanic word goes back to Proto-Indo-European *pórḱos, hence also Latin porcus, Polish prosię (piglet).


fare (past tense farede, past participle faret)

  1. to farrow



  • IPA(key): [ˈfare]
  • Rhymes: -are
  • Hyphenation: fa‧re



  1. by the action, by the initiative, by the effort, by order

Usage notes

  • Followed by the word de, forming the preposition fare de.


Alternative forms

  • facere (archaic, literary)


Inherited from Late Latin fāre.


  • IPA(key): /ˈfa.re/
  • Rhymes: -are
  • Hyphenation: fà‧re


fàre (first-person singular present fàccio, first-person singular past historic féci, past participle fàtto, first-person singular imperfect facévo, second-person singular imperative fài or fà', auxiliary avére)

  1. (transitive) to do
  2. (transitive) to make
    1. to create
    2. to bring about
      fare rumoreto make noise
      fare disordineto cause disorder
    3. to behave or act [with da ‘as’]
      fate i bravibe good (literally, “act as good (boys and girls)”)
      fare la caviato be a guinea pig (literally, “act as a guinea pig”)
      un tavolo che fa da scrivaniaa table that acts as a desk
    4. to constitute
      fate una bella coppiayou (guys) make a nice couple
    5. to numerically result in; to add up to
      due e tre fanno cinquetwo and three make five
      due per tre fanno seitwo times three make six
    6. to formulate in the mind
    7. to cause to be; to render
    8. (ditransitive) to compel
    9. (ditransitive) to force
  3. to provoke (a physical sensation)
    mi fai il solleticoyou are tickling me (literally, “you provoke on me a tickling feeling”)
  4. (transitive) to inflict (damage, pain, etc.) on
    fargli un lividoto give him a bruise (literally, “inflict a bruise on him”)
  5. (transitive) to cause or arouse (an emotion)
    mi fa paurait scares me (literally, “it arouses fear within me”)
  6. (transitive) to draw up or enter into (a contract, agreement, etc.)
  7. (transitive) to emit from the body
    fare sangue dal nasoto nosebleed (literally, “emit blood from the nose”)
  8. (transitive) to have (a baby)
  9. (transitive) to produce a lot of (fruit or flowers) (of a plant)
  10. (transitive) to have (a certain population) (of a state, country, etc.)
    l'USA fa circa 300 milioni di abitantithe USA has about 300 million inhabitants
  11. (transitive, informal) to cost
    quanto fa il gelato?how much does the ice cream cost?
    1. to sell [with a ‘for (a price)’]
      a quanto le fai?at how much are you selling them for?
  12. (transitive) to clean up
    fai la stanza!clean up your room!
    fare la barbato shave (literally, “clean up one's beard”)
  13. (transitive) to address
    mi ha fatto gli augurihe congratulated me (literally, “he addressed congratulations to me”)
    fare un invitoto address an invite
  14. (transitive) to organize or celebrate (an event, party, etc.)
    fare una festato throw a party
    fare la comunioneto celebrate a communion
  15. (transitive) to stage (a play, movie, etc.)
    1. to produce or participate in (a play, movie, etc.) (of a director, actor, etc.)
    2. to interpret (a role, character, etc.); to act
    3. to be planned or scheduled (at a certain time) [with a or in] (of a movie, show, etc., chiefly in the form fanno)
  16. (transitive) to be subscribed to; to do regularly
    1. to attend (a school), to be in (a grade level)
      faccio la terza mediaI am in the eighth grade
    2. to practice (a hobby, sport, etc.)
      fa balletshe does ballet
  17. (transitive) to follow (a road, etc.)
    fare via Garibaldito follow Garibaldi street
  18. (transitive) to visit (a country, city, etc.)
    fare l'Italiato visit Italy
  19. (transitive) to last (an amount of time)
    questa macchina ha fatto due annithis car lasted two years
    1. (transitive, informal) to turn (an age)
      mia sorella ha fatto undici annimy sister turned eleven
  20. (transitive, informal) to gift
    mi hanno fatto il computerthey gifted me a computer
  21. (transitive) to tell or indicate (the time)
    la sveglia fa le settethe alarm clock says it's seven o'clock
  22. (transitive) to do until (a time, typically at night)
  23. (transitive) to caricature
    un dipintore che può fare tanti personaggi famosia painter who can caricature many famous characters
  24. (transitive) to spend; to pass (of time)
    fare la notte a casa tuato spend the night at your house
  25. (transitive) to live or lead (a kind of life)
    fare una vita comodato live a comfortable life
  26. (transitive) to pronounce, judge, or evaluate
    lo facevo mortoI pronounced him dead
  27. (transitive) (with che + subj.) to suppose or consider
    fa' che lei potesse staresuppose she could stay
  28. (transitive) to gather
    fare legnato gather firewood
    1. (transitive) to stock up on
      fare viverito stock up on supplies
  29. (transitive) to work as (a profession)
    faccio il maestroI work as a teacher
  30. (transitive) to elect or nominate
  31. (transitive, sports, card games) to score
    fare un golto score a goal
  32. (transitive) to make appear
    la maglia fa avvenentethe shirt makes you look attractive
    1. to create impressions of
      le maniche corte fanno estateshort sleeves create impressions of summer
  33. (transitive) (with inf.) to let
  34. (transitive) (with [di + inf.] or [che + subj.]) to strive or endeavor
  35. (intransitive) to be suitable [with per ‘for’] [auxiliary avere]
  36. (intransitive) to play [with a] [auxiliary avere]
    fare a nascondinoto play hide and seek
  37. (intransitive) to be spent or to have gone by; to mark [auxiliary avere] (of time)
  38. (intransitive, impersonal) to be (hot, cold, etc.) [auxiliary avere] (of the weather, climate, etc.)
    fa freddoit's cold
  39. (intransitive, grammar) to have as an inflected form [auxiliary avere] (of a word)
    come fa il plurale di "pianta?"what is the plural of "pianta?"
  40. (intransitive) to go (to say something or make a sound) [auxiliary avere]
  41. (intransitive) to go (to be expressed or composed) [auxiliary avere]
  42. (intransitive) to be formed by a sequence [auxiliary avere]
    il mio codice fa 4769my code is 4769 (literally, “is formed by the sequence 4769”)
  43. (intransitive) (typically with [a + inf.] or [per + inf.]) to be able to [auxiliary avere]
  44. (intransitive, rare) to take root [auxiliary avere] (of a plant)
  45. (intransitive, rare) to suffice [auxiliary avere] (of a plant)

Usage notes

The second person imperative has univerbated compound forms:

  • fa' + mi = fammi
    • ... + lo = fammelo
    • ... + la = fammela
    • ... + le = fammele
    • ... + li = fammeli
    • ... + ne = fammene
  • fa' + ti = fatti
    • ... + lo = fattelo
    • ... + la = fattela
    • ... + le = fattele
    • ... + li = fatteli
    • ... + ne = fattene
  • fa' + gli = fagli and fa' + le = falle
    • ... + lo = faglielo
    • ... + la = fagliela
    • ... + le = fagliele
    • ... + li = faglieli
    • ... + ne = fagliene
  • fa' + ci = facci
    • ... + lo = faccelo
    • ... + la = faccela
    • ... + le = faccele
    • ... + li = facceli
    • ... + ne = faccene
  • fa' + lo = fallo
  • fa' + la = falla
  • fa' + le = falle
  • fa' + li = falli
  • fa' + ne = fanne


Including lesser-used forms:

Derived terms

Related terms

  • faccenda
  • facile
  • facsimile


fare m (plural fari)

  1. manner, way


  • Fera, rafe


Etymology 1



  1. second-person singular present active imperative/indicative of for

Etymology 2


fāre (Late Latin)

  1. Alternative form of facere, present active infinitive of faciō


  • Walther von Wartburg (1928–2002) “facĕre”, in Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, volumes 3: D–F, page 353

Middle English

Etymology 1

Originally two distinct nouns:

  • Old English faru, from Proto-West Germanic *faru, from Proto-Germanic *farō.
  • Old English fær, from Proto-West Germanic *far, from Proto-Germanic *farą.

Alternative forms

  • far, phare, vare
  • fære, væræ (Early Middle English)


  • IPA(key): /ˈfaːr(ə)/


fare (uncountable)

  1. A journey, course, or travel.
  2. A group on a journey.
  3. A proceeding or occurrence:
    1. Behaviour or appearance.
    2. Condition or fortune.
    3. A commotion or disturbance.
  4. Provisions, especially food.
  5. (rare) A path or way.
Derived terms
  • yvel fare
Related terms
  • chaffare
  • heyfre
  • English: fare
  • Scots: fare
  • Yola: gudeváre
  • “fāre, n.(1).”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  • James A. H. Murray et al., editors (1884–1928), “Fare, sb.1”, in A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (Oxford English Dictionary), volume IV (F–G), London: Clarendon Press, →OCLC, page 73, column 3.

Etymology 2



  1. Alternative form of faren


Alternative forms

  • , fa' (alt. spellings)


Inherited from Late Latin fāre.


  • (Naples) IPA(key): [ˈfa]



  1. to do
  2. to make
  3. to act
  4. to behave
  5. to fuck (vulgar, colloquial)



  • AIS: Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz [Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Italy and Southern Switzerland] – map 1521: “fare il bucato” – on navigais-web.pd.istc.cnr.it
  • Rocco, Emmanuele (1882) “fare”, in Vocabolario del dialetto napolitano[3]

Norwegian Bokmål

Etymology 1

From Middle Low German vare.


fare m (definite singular faren, indefinite plural farer, definite plural farene)

  1. danger
Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Old Norse fara.


fare (imperative far, present tense farer, simple past for, past participle fart, present participle farende)

  1. go; travel
  2. rush; tear
  3. (shipping) sail
  4. (archaic, poetry) travel; voyage
Derived terms


  • “fare” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk

Etymology 1

From Middle Low German vare, from Proto-Germanic *fērō (danger). Compare Swedish fara.


fare m (definite singular faren, indefinite plural farar, definite plural farane)

  1. danger
Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Old Norse fara, from Proto-Germanic *faraną.


fare (present tense fer, past tense fór, supine fare, past participle faren, present participle farande, imperative far)

  1. Alternative form of fara (fara is split-infinitive and/or a-infinitive verb form)
Derived terms
  • farvatn
  • sjøfarande


  • “fare” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.

Old English



  1. first-person singular present indicative of faran



From Middle Scots fare, from Middle English faren, from Old English faran, from Proto-West Germanic *faran, from Proto-Germanic *faraną, from Proto-Indo-European *por-.


IPA(key): /feːr/, /fɛr/



  1. to go, travel, get on




  1. first/third-person singular future subjunctive of far



From Proto-Polynesian *fale.



  1. A house




  1. (intransitive) to do, to make


This verb needs an inflection-table template.

  • Present tense:- fazze, fáce, fáce, facíme, facíte, fàcene



Inherited from Ottoman Turkish فاره (fare), from Arabic فَأْرَة (faʔra). The computing sense is a semantic loan from English mouse.


  • IPA(key): /fɑːɾe/


fare (definite accusative fareyi, plural fareler)

  1. mouse
    Synonym: sıçan
  2. (computing) mouse


Further reading

  • “fare”, in Turkish dictionaries, Türk Dil Kurumu



From Middle English fearen, from Old English fǣran.


  • IPA(key): /faːr/


fare (simple past vear'd)

  1. to frighten

Related terms

  • vear


  • Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor, A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published 1867, page 39

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